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SPG’s President was a co-author of Intelligence Community Directive (ICD) 705 for nearly six years, while sitting on the Director of National Intelligence (now under Center for Security Evaluation “CSE” cognizance) Special Security Center’s Physical and Technical Security Expert Working Group (ODNI/SSC/PTSEWG). He chaired the first ICD 705 sub-working group as the CSE Liaison Officer and later served as the larger PTSEWG committee co-chair.  He additionally co-wrote the first DNI ICD 705 training curriculum with an NSA colleague and then taught that course for nearly two years, to include a “DCID 6/9 to ICD 705” 3-day transition course for IC SCIF Accreditors. He is a member of ISWG and a former IC Community senior SCIF accreditor, who has accredited hundreds of SCIFs of every size and level of complexity worldwide. The SPG team is comprised of other experts in the field whose background in ICD 705 security policy compliance, design and construction experience is sought out by both Government and Industry partners. SPG's level of expertise is unmatched in this field.

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